Thursday, November 1, 2012

The value of a college degree vs. the debt it takes to earn it

The value of a college degree vs. the debt it takes to earn it:

The value of a college degree vs. the debt it takes to earn it

The cost of a college education and the debt that many students are saddled with when they get out of school are the biggest issues in higher education. Here is a look at the value of a degree versus the debt it takes to get it, by Katherine Pilnick, who writes and blogs about personal financial well-being and issues that influence it for, which calls itself America’s Debt Help Organization.
By Katherine Pilnick
 Higher education becomes more expensive each and every year. Tuition costs rise twice as fast as typical inflation, making college less affordable for average Americans with every passing year. Faced with such high costs and near-universal financial hardship, students can find it difficult to determine whether college is actually worth the price tag.
It’s important, then, to look at the expected value of one’s degree versus the estimated

Earth’s story in about 1 minute — video

 In the everything-is-really-about-education category, here’s an absorbing video tracing the cosmic and biological origins of our species, set to original music.

The above video was inspired by the the one below, which tells the story of Earth in 2 minutes.
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