Tuesday, November 20, 2012

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CLASS « Teachers Fight Back

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CLASS « Teachers Fight Back:


What next ? Now high school health centers are all the rage. More high schools are installing full-time health centers to make sure all the wonderful boys and girls have all their possible needs met. You know, needs like birth control pills, abortion advice and all manner of healthful tips. I can’t believe some community leaders and parents are worried about this new trend. What’s not to like ?
Now that our students have every possible advantage in their school life, let’s review all the services and gifts they currently might receive. Remember, virtually none of these were available when I and most of my generation attended school. They weren’t available during the time of the “greatest generation” and or at any time previous to that. It makes one wonder, how in the world did children back then manage to grow up and build the greatest nation the world has ever known ? No extra school services, a classroom full of 40 or more students, one teacher and a chalkboard. It’s a miracle any kid survived.
To honor the upcoming holiday season, and to highlight many of the services students now receive, I have composed some lyrics set to the tune of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
On the first day of class my school gave to me, a complete nutritious breakfast.
On the second day of class my school gave to me, a wonderful hot lunch, and a complete nutritious breakfast.