Friday, November 16, 2012

The Educated Reporter: Word on the Beat No. 1: Sequestration

The Educated Reporter: Word on the Beat No. 1: Sequestration:

Word on the Beat No. 1: Sequestration

One of the best things about getting to write The Educated Reporter blog is that it helps me keep up to date on the latest issues and concerns for public education. At the same time, I’m continually amazed at how quickly the jargon and buzzwords seem to multiply on the education beat. Starting today, I’m going to do my part to help add some clarity to the conversation. On a regular basis, I’ll tackle an Education Buzzword You Need To Know. (I say this with the full realization that such designations are highly subjective. But let’s give it a shot, shall we?)

I’ve already put out the call for suggestions to education beat reporters working across the country in print, broadcast, and digital media. You can email your suggestions to me, or use the comments section of the blog. I look forward to your input.

So, what word gets the honor of being the first entry in the new Educated Reporter Word on the Beat glossary? Drumroll, please …

Word on the Beat: Sequestration.

What it means: Sequestration refers to federal monies that will be held back from federal agencies as a result of