Monday, November 5, 2012

The Educated Reporter: Washington State Considers Charter Schools, Missouri Voters Mull Tobacco Tax Hike for Education Funding

The Educated Reporter: Washington State Considers Charter Schools, Missouri Voters Mull Tobacco Tax Hike for Education Funding:

Washington State Considers Charter Schools, Missouri Voters Mull Tobacco Tax Hike for Education Funding

When it comes to education, there’s much at stake Tuesday beyond the race for president. Voters in several states are being asked to approve significant changes to how public schools operate and are funded.

There are two particularly interesting ballot measures in play – in Washington State, where voters will be asked to allow the formation of charter schools, and in Missouri, where a significant hike in the state’s tobacco tax could raise badly needed revenues for both K-12 and higher education.

Let’s start in Washington, which is one of just nine states that currently prohibits charter schools – campuses that receive public dollars but are operated more or less independently. (The degree of independence depends on