Sunday, November 4, 2012

Teachers For Social Justice: 10 Arrested in City Hall Sit-in Against School Closings

Teachers For Social Justice: 10 Arrested in City Hall Sit-in Against School Closings:

10 Arrested in City Hall Sit-in Against School Closings

On Friday, November 2, a spirited crowd of 100 parents, teachers, students, and community members held a rally and press conference at City Hall demanding a moratorium-of at least two years-on all school closings, turnarounds, consolidations, and phase-outs. After the rally we sat in at the Mayor's office, refusing to leave until we had a meeting scheduled with the Mayor (no surrogates). That never happened, as one of his staff claimed she "couldn't do that." Outside supporters held a candlelight vigil. At 10PM the police threatened all those remaining. Ten parents, teachers, and community members were arrested and charged with trespassing. They spent the night in the police lock up (those arrested were CTU teachers and retired teachers, and members of