Monday, November 5, 2012

Schools Matter: Time for Moratorium on High Stakes Testing

Schools Matter: Time for Moratorium on High Stakes Testing:

Time for Moratorium on High Stakes Testing

Opt Out of High Stakes Testing
My ed professor in graduate school used to say, "let the text speak for itself."
Sometimes, that is all you need in a moment like this.

However, I do have one "lingering" question.

Can we finally demand a moratorium on all high stakes testing?
 Or will we see NJ and NY go the way of NOLA
as we sit by why the profiteers continue to call the shots in education.

November 4, 2012

Back to School, Bundled Up, but With Lingering Questions


Cots lined the hallways, and toilets were limited or clogged, so some evacuees went to the bathroom on the floor. Volunteers, gagging at air made more fetid by unwashed bodies, took to wearing masks. “We gave them wipes,” a volunteer said, “but there’s only so much you can do with wipes.”
Custodians spent Sunday scrubbing and mopping, preparing this makeshift storm shelter in Hell’s Kitchen, which at one point housed some 1,000 displaced men, women and children,