Monday, November 19, 2012

Schools Matter: Memphis Plans Big Cuts to Pay for Corporate Reform Schools

Schools Matter: Memphis Plans Big Cuts to Pay for Corporate Reform Schools:

Memphis Plans Big Cuts to Pay for Corporate Reform Schools

Someone reading the Memphis Commercial-Appeal on the corporate plan for privatizing Memphis Schools would hardly know there is a 212 million dollar problem in the plan, itself.  Stories about Memphis being among the top ten American cities to be overrun by the corporate reform school scammers make it to Page 1, while stories about the impending shuttering of public schools to pay for the $212 million deficit between over the next five years is not mentioned at all.

Also awaiting the families of custodians and bus drivers are plans to privatize these services.  Holiday Greetings from the Gates Foundation.

Below is a previously posted item from June 28 on the big merger plan.

Memphis District to Lose $212 Million to Charter Schools by 2016

The story unfolding in Memphis around the consolidation of Memphis and Shelby County Schools gets