Friday, November 30, 2012

Schools Matter: Lessons from Katrina

Schools Matter: Lessons from Katrina:

Lessons from Katrina

The Shock Doctrine Comes to New Jersey Schools

Just waiting for Arne Duncan to say Hurricane Sandy was the "best thing that happened to the education system" in New Jersey. While the power is out, entire school districts have literally crumbled the poorest are again being left behind, many homeless now and in already underfunded public schools. Christie and Cerf have a plan to use theirr "power sparingly." They will come to save the day because too many schools are failing. No mention of the actual architects of this failure, the government and corporate driven education reformers.

Will New Jersey's parents and teachers stand by as they are sold another jar of snake oil or will they stand up with teachers in Chicago who have finally drawn the line in the sand.

Three months into the school year, more than 250 schools in nearly 90 districts