Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky:

Return on our investment.

Illinois’ public employee unions spent a huge amount of member dollars in the last campaign.
  • American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees: $645,787
  • Illinois Federation of Teachers: $1,098,219
  • Illinois Education Association: $1,080,700
  • Service Employees International Union: $919,598
What will we get in return?

Saturday coffee.

Funny thing about elections.
Except in the case of a rare tie, there are no do-overs.
Sure. You can try to steal it like when Bush stole the election from Gore by having his buddies on the Supreme Court order a halt to the Florida recount.
But, in theory at least, the votes are supposed to count.
The latest craze is to spin a loss into a win. That’s what the Republicans are trying to do now.
They are argue the election didn’t count.
See, unlike 2008 when Obama would have won even if no Black people had voted for him, this year he won because he got even more Black, Latino and young voters’ votes than in 2008. And, in their view, only old white men’s votes really matter.
There is similar spinning going on in Illinois where House Speaker Mike Madigan got every single member of the

Old school.

Annie Lennox.

Illinois Pension Alert!

Chicago Sun-Times:

House eyes six-day January session

By Dave McKinney on November 9, 2012 1:08 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks
When Illinois lawmakers last were in session in a January, they voted to abolish the death penalty, increase the income tax and legalize civil unions.
Now, at least one of the two legislative chambers has told its members to be prepared to be at the Capitol for up to six days for another January session, this one possibly beginning Jan. 3.