Wednesday, November 28, 2012

RheeFirst! » Remember that nutty lawsuit over the GA charter ballot initiative? It was filed by a StudentsFirst lobbyist…

RheeFirst! » Remember that nutty lawsuit over the GA charter ballot initiative? It was filed by a StudentsFirst lobbyist…:

Remember that nutty lawsuit over the GA charter ballot initiative? It was filed by a StudentsFirst lobbyist…

You may have heard about the wacky lawsuit filed in October alleging a vast “education empire” conspiracy to defeat the GA education privatization amendment.  Don’t worry if you can’t remember it.  You probably missed the coverage, given that the suit was quickly thrown out of court.
As it turns out, the “education empire” lawsuit was filed by StudentsFirst lobbyist Rich Thompson.  When Thompson isn’t filing nonsense lawsuits, or regaling Tea Party ralliers with tales about how women lack business acumen, he’s out doing Michelle Rhee’s bidding.  He lobbied for StudentsFirst in the Georgia legislature, andeven turned up in Missouri to speak in favor of a StudentsFirst-backed bill (on the same day as several other StudentsFirst employees).  Thompson was also featured in a video supporting the Georgia initiative, released by Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity, which partnered with StudentsFirst to push for the statewide charter authorizer law.