Tuesday, November 20, 2012

PS 90. Coney Island. « Fred Klonsky

PS 90. Coney Island. « Fred Klonsky:

PS 90. Coney Island.

Dear Sue,
I just got back from delivering the 7 boxes of school supplies that the teachers at Carpenter School donated to PS 90, Edna Cohen School, in Coney Island.
Everyone was very appreciative. Please extend thanks to all the Carpenter Staff.
Here’s a first: The principal, Greta Hawkins, gave me a big kiss on the cheek. As you might guess, I have never been kissed by a principal before. Not in thirty years!
After spending the last week following Sandy in another school doubled up in classroom, the kids and staff got back into the school yesterday. But all the school’s supplies and records were in the basement. The school is only a block from the ocean. The basement was totally flooded and all their school supplies were ruined.
While we were there someone was delivering brand new school uniforms that had been donated.