Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama’s Act II: The issue he can’t ignore

Obama’s Act II: The issue he can’t ignore:

Obama’s Act II: The issue he can’t ignore

Obama as Harvard law student
President Obama now has an opportunity to do something different in regard to education reform in his second term. Here Richard D. Kahlenberg, senior fellow at The Century Foundation, explains how that could look. This appeared on the website of the nonpartisan foundation,  which undertakes critical analyses of major economic, political, and social institutions and issues.
By Richard D. Kahlenberg
Barack Obama’s re-election—made possible by a strong African American, Latino, and female vote—liberates the president to return to the central questions of equal opportunity that first motivated him to seek public office.  According to David Maraniss’s biography of 

Texas school districts seek to overturn annual NCLB ratings

This was probably inevitable: A coalition of nearly 90 Texas school districts is asking state education officials to set aside all of the Adequate Yearly Progress ratings that they have been given under the No Child Left Behind law since the program started a decade ago.
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Tony Bennett (not the crooner ) as Florida schools chief?

Members of the Florida Board of Education are interested in offering the job of state schools superintendent to Tony Bennett, the Indiana schools chief who just got ousted by voters, people who know the thinking of board members tell me.
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