Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My High School Feminism Students Create Get Out the Vote Video for Young Women « Feminist Teacher

My High School Feminism Students Create Get Out the Vote Video for Young Women « Feminist Teacher:

My High School Feminism Students Create Get Out the Vote Video for Young Women

Earlier this fall, my high school feminism students and I created an It’s My Vote video designed to encourage young women to vote in this year’s election. The American Association of University Women’s Action Fundsponsored the campaign and we were featured on their site.
As an educator-activist, nothing is more important to me than teaching young people the importance of civic engagement. In our video, I share the story of how each year, my Puerto Rican mom brought me to the polls in the Bronx to pull the lever for her while carrying me in her arms; my students then talk about why voting matters to them as young women.
In the same way that my mom carried me to the polls to share her voice, today and everyday, I carry the responsibility of teaching my students that they too must carry the legacy of change in their hands both for themselves and their communities.