Monday, November 5, 2012

Modern School: Over 60% of LAUSD 6th-Graders Exposed to Trauma

Modern School: Over 60% of LAUSD 6th-Graders Exposed to Trauma:

Over 60% of LAUSD 6th-Graders Exposed to Trauma

A study completed last year that found that over 60% of Los Angeles-area 6th-graders had witnessed or experienced more than one event that could be considered traumatic, according to the 4LAKids Blog. The study ruled out vicarious acts of violence, such as television, focusing on questions like “How often has someone said they were going to hurt you?” or “how many time over the past year have you been punched or hit by someone?”

While some of the affirmative answers, no doubt, referred to fights with friends or siblings, the data should not be taken lightly, nor should this been seen as a problem unique to Los Angeles. Traumatic experiences can significantly affect a child’s ability to focus, concentrate and participate in school activities, and can lead to chronic depression, PTST and even