Friday, November 30, 2012

Its Time to Dismiss Florida Charter Schools’ Complaint About Fairness | Scathing Purple Musings

Its Time to Dismiss Florida Charter Schools’ Complaint About Fairness | Scathing Purple Musings:

Its Time to Dismiss Florida Charter Schools’ Complaint About Fairness

The administrator for the Cape Coral Charter School Authority says all the right things and speaks with the right jargon to be believable in this morning’s guest column in the Fort Myers News Press. In an attempt to make the case for more taxpayer money going to charter schools like his, Lew Ford writes:
Here is the issue: A tax of 1.5 mills is levied on all Florida residents for the purposes of capital expenses for public schools. The tax used to be 2.0 mills in prior years. Districts use this money to pay for debt service on their buildings, facilities maintenance, and new construction. Florida Statute 1011.71 gives school districts the “discretion” to share this tax with charter schools. Lee County School District does not share this tax.
Most of our “Oasis” parents don’t even realize their taxes don’t support their children. They pay this