Monday, November 12, 2012

Is the Boston Globe’s Mad Luv 4 Charters on the Skids? | EduShyster

Is the Boston Globe’s Mad Luv 4 Charters on the Skids? | EduShyster:

Is the Boston Globe’s Mad Luv 4 Charters on the Skids?

 As regular Boston Globe readers know (and there are still a handful of you out there…),G has had MAD luv 4 our local laboratories of innovation and excellence, and none other than a certain UP Academy. Since UP began its steady UPward trajectory in the spring of 2011, the Globe has devoted untold column inches to singing her praises, including this doozy of a love letter from EduShyster fave Lawrence Harmon:
There’s a lot at stake in the takeover of the Gavin by UP Academy. If it succeeds at raising student achievement with an identical student population, then the main complaint of charter school critics will lose its resonance. If relatively inexperienced teachers can do what veterans can’t — namely turn around a school where only one out of four students performs at grade level — then the public cry for longer school days, merit pay, and stricter teacher evaluations will grow louder.
¡Get a room already, Larry! And it wasn’t puppy love either. This fall the Globe ran yet another column, this one