Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Glenda Ritz Wins Superintendent Job In Indiana, Upsetting Republican Incumbent Tony Bennett

Glenda Ritz Wins Superintendent Job In Indiana, Upsetting Republican Incumbent Tony Bennett:

Glenda Ritz Wins Superintendent Job In Indiana, Upsetting Republican Incumbent Tony Bennett

NEW YORK -- When Indiana won the "Education Reform Idol" competition organized by the right-wing think tank Thomas B. Fordham Institute, it was policy love at first sight for Michael Petrilli, the organization's executive vice president.

Under the leadership of Superintendent for Public Instruction Tony Bennett, a former basketball coach, the state created the nation's largest school voucher program; found consultants to run failing schools in Indianapolis and Gary; revamped teacher evaluations; and created A-through-F grades for schools.

So on Tuesday night, when Petrilli learned that Bennett had lost his election in an upset against Glenda Ritz, the state's teacher of the year, he let out a stream of expletives. "Tony Bennett! Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t," he said.