Wednesday, November 28, 2012

General Assembly rolling over for Rahm Parents United for Responsible Education

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General Assembly rolling over for Rahm

Despite the lack of public support for the move, the state Senate and House have each passed somewhat different versions of Mayor Emanuel’s school sledgehammer bill. It seems that he will be allowed to close as many as 100 schools in 2013 with little time for discussion and no time for adequate planning. Catalyst has a detailed report here about what happened today.
Thanks, state elected officials, for being so careful with our children.
Curtis Black posted a strong indictment of CPS’s poor management, and called the mayor’s proposal a “political ploy.”
If “chaotic, disorganized closings are such a bad idea,” as Emanuel said in backing the idea, why demand yet one more round of them before you agree to stop, she asks at PURE’s blog.  “It sounds as if the mayor is saying, ‘I promise to stop beating you after I get in this last round of punches.’” She points out that parents have heard promises of community engagement time after