Thursday, November 29, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee writes a ‘zealot’s manifesto,’ er, memoir

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee writes a ‘zealot’s manifesto,’ er, memoir:

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee writes a ‘zealot’s manifesto,’ er, memoir

Michelle Rhee has written a memoir that gives her version of reality about the years (2007-2010) that she ran D.C. Public Schools and became a national leader of corporate-based school reform. The book is due out next year but Washington City Paper’s Loose Lips has already read it, and in this column writes in less than flattering terms about Rhee’s narrative. In fact, the  column, with the headline “Rhee-visionist History,” describes the book, entitled “Radical, Fighting to Put Students First,” is described as reading “like a zealot’s manifesto on the rightness of her cause.”
(Did anybody expect anything different?)
Here are some of the highlights of the book, via the Loose Lips column, which you