Sunday, November 18, 2012

Democurmudgeon: Walker's "Red State" push opposite Presidential Election Results. Education Big Target Again.

Democurmudgeon: Walker's "Red State" push opposite Presidential Election Results. Education Big Target Again.:

Walker's "Red State" push opposite Presidential Election Results. Education Big Target Again.

With a super majority in the state legislature, any talk of bipartisanship or compromise is ridiculous and frustrating for me to watch.

Democratic talk has centered on cooperation and "reaching across the aisle." This is what I've seen in every media interview so far, and I’m hoping that at some time we stop giving Republicans the benefit of the doubt. It makes them look good and Democrats look even weaker.

What we have in "common" is a sidebar to their real ideological agenda, and Democratic legislators are embarrassing themselves with happy talk of cooperation. Stop it,  please.

The most recent signal we’re going of the ideological cliff comes from comments made by Gov. Walker in California, who listed actions he wants to take, actions no liberal in their right mind would support. His announcement came even before he’s talked to his own party’s leaders.
State Rep. Robin Vos, the next Assembly speaker, said … he has yet to talk to Walker personally about his legislative proposals … “hopefully, we can also work to bring Democrats who