Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Daily Kos: some education related electoral good news from last night

Daily Kos: some education related electoral good news from last night:

some education related electoral good news from last night

In Indiana, the State Superintendent, Tony Bennett, was defeated by Democrat Glenda Ritz, a democrat who received heavy support from teachers unions.  Bennett was a champion of more charter schools, even though those in Indiana do NOT perform better than public schools.  He was a nationally known champion of what Pasi Sahlberg has labeled "GERM" - the Global Education Reform Movement - which includes heavy reliance upon testing, tying teacher evaluation to student test scores, and so on.  HE may yet wind up in Florida.
In Colorado, 5 Republican candidates received support from Stand for Children for the state legislature.  All 4 were defeated.  Stand For Children, which was founded by Jonah Edelman, and which is one of a number players advocating on behalf of GERM, which of course is also hostile to teachers unions.
From the standpoint of those of us who are strong supporters of teachers union, the apparent defeat of California's Proposition32, which would have excluded unions from the political process while allowing