Thursday, November 22, 2012

Daily Kos: Krugman: Grand Old Planet

Daily Kos: Krugman: Grand Old Planet:

Krugman: Grand Old Planet

Yes,  that is G-O-P.  And Krugman starts with - and focuses on - a key figure in that political party, Senator Marco Rubio, whose recent remarks sidestepping a definitive statement on the age of the earth offended some, but was dismissed by others as merely positioning himself for 2016 and pandering a bit to the religious right voters who are dominant in such primaries.
But we shouldn’t let go that easily. Reading Mr. Rubio’s interview is like driving through a deeply eroded canyon; all at once, you can clearly see what lies below the superficial landscape. Like striated rock beds that speak of deep time, his inability to acknowledge scientific evidence speaks of the anti-rational mind-set that has taken over his political party.
Let's try that again:  the anti-rational mind-set that has taken over his political partyBy now you should already realize that our Nobel Laureate Economist is going to be very blunt in his Friday op ed for The New York Times (which went live Thursday evening).
Krugman points out that this is not the first time for such a pander by Rubio, who gave a big assist to