Sunday, November 4, 2012

UPDATE: Daily Kos: I will be on Sky News tomorrow

Daily Kos: I will be on Sky News tomorrow:

I will be on Sky News tomorrow

I was one of the people asked to do videos for their I-pad application on the politics of the 50 states.  Then I was invited to participate in a discussion tomorrow, which will be live at 3:30 EST until 4, and then may continue in a Google hangout (although I will not be able to stay for that).  I will be in their DC studios, in part because Virginia is still considered a battleground state.
If you are interested in watching,
It’ll be broadcast on Sky News (available worldwide) and Sky News for iPad (free to download and access in US).
Some general 50 States trails are on this press website too...expect more soon. They will be trailing it heavily.

Need a good laugh? Michael Barone: Romney 315 - Obama 223

In this piece at the right-wing Washington Examiner, Barone succeeds in demolishing whatever credibility as an analyst he might still have.
For example,
North Carolina (15 electoral votes). Obama has abandoned this target. Romney.
  Umm, no.   Obama still on the air, and Michelle in Charlotte tomorrow, and some interesting implications from the advantage in the ground game.One more snip:
Ohio (18). The anti-Romney auto bailout ads have Obama running well enough among blue-collar 

Financial Times endorses Obama

in an editorial titled Obama is the wiser bet for crisis-hit US  (free registration for limited access to the site) they are not enthused about the President, for example describing him as having
often been curiously aloof. He has been notably cool toward business. The self-proclaimed agent of change has at crucial points failed to exercise leadership.
And yet, they chose him over his Republican opponent, of whom they write
Mr Romney’s foreign policy proclamations have been far less reassuring. He has been needlessly 

Smerconish - Obama: Substance Not Smears

Michael Smerconish put up this Huffington Post piece this morning.  According to Chris Matthews, he has taken a lot of grief from people upset with what I see as his candor.
Consider the first paragraph:
This election has always been a referendum on Barack Obama. For some, not on matters of substance. They can't have it both ways. It's hypocritical to distribute a vicious, false narrative about him while fancying yourself a patriot and a great American. Vilify a sitting president of the