Friday, November 9, 2012

Criticizing the One They Endorsed | Truth in American Education

Criticizing the One They Endorsed | Truth in American Education:

Criticizing the One They Endorsed

It’s pretty fascinating to see people fall all over themselves to endorse President Obama criticize him sharply on his education policies.
We’re concerned about a federal take over of education where parents and local stakeholders will lose influence over education policy.  They’re afraid of teachers losing their jobs.
But Obama’s first term also saw the creation of the Race to the Top program, which angered unions by requiring participating states to evaluate teachers based on student test scores. His rhetoric toward teachers was tough during his first term, but softened as reelection approached. So which Obama will we see?
“My worst fear is it’ll continue to be the same,” said Diane Ravitch, a New York University historian and one of Obama’s most vitriolic critics on education (my note – she endorsed him). “His education policy is indistinguishable from Mitt Romney’s, aside from vouchers. It’s based on test