Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bob Haisman says why retirees should vote for him to be a delegate to the IEA RA. « Fred Klonsky

Bob Haisman says why retirees should vote for him to be a delegate to the IEA RA. « Fred Klonsky:

Bob Haisman says why retirees should vote for him to be a delegate to the IEA RA.

Dear Pension Warrior…
I am asking for your VOTE! I’m running to be one of the Retired Delegates to the IEA Representative Assembly in April of 2013. There are 30 IEA-Retired members running for 17 delegate spots (there are 1100 total IEA RA delegates).
I’m number 10 on the ballot. It is a mail-in Ballot.
YOU MUST BE a member of IEA-R to get a Ballot! Most people throw the ballot away! Please don’t throw it away! Vote for Haisman and mail the ballot back to IEA. The ballots just were mailed