Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Obama’s debate performance says about his education policy - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

What Obama’s debate performance says about his education policy - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

What Obama’s debate performance says about his education policy

In the wake of President Obama’s lackluster performance in his first debate with Mitt Romney, commentators have suggested that part of the president’s problem was that during his time in the White House, he (like
(Craig F. Walker/AP)
other presidents before him) has rarely been challenged. People don’t interrupt him, tell him he is being obtuse and that he is dead wrong.
So what does this have to do with his education policy?
For years many people in the education world have wondered if Obama actually understands the effect that his policies have on schools, teachers, principals and students. Take his comment in the debate that the Race to the Top initiative wasn’t a “top-down” effort.
Race to the Top is the multi-billion-dollar program in which federal 

Romney, the debate and education

Mitt Romney, as is well-known by now, had a great debate, at least on debating merits if not on facts.
Education wasn’t high on the list of topics mentioned during the debate but it did come up a few times.
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