Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky

The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky:

The Sunday Mail.

I guess TRS Executive Director Dick Ingram got to keep his job. The TRS board of trustees met in executive session last week but we don’t get to hear what they said. Tom White, TRS retiree and retired Executive Director of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Retirement Fund has plenty to say.
NY keeps last week’s testing secret from parents. Why? Because if has nothing to do with the kids and parents could choose to opt out.
David Stieber and CPS’s open seats. School closings will be announced by December 1st.
Rahm’s sheep. 
Okay, all you polling nerds. The Electoral College pool is now open. I have the +325 Obama square.
Compared to the school board, the City Council’s a bastion of independence!
There were even five aldermen who voted against the last mayor’s bright idea to sell the $10 billion parking meter system for $1 billion.
True, 40 aldermen thought it was a good deal. But five’s better than none, which most assuredly is 

Ten minute drawing. Did anyone say global warming?

Click on drawing to enlarge.