Sunday, October 7, 2012

UPDATE: The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky

The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky:

The Sunday Mail.

This monument to Civil Rights hero Fannie Lou Hamer was unveiled this week in her hometown of Rueville, Mississippi.
Glen Brown reprints this column by Jim Dey on the Constitutional Amendment you will find on the Illinois ballot November 6th. “Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.”  Vote no.
Xian Barrett doesn’t get snarky towards the corporate reform group, Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) until the last paragraph. Now that’s discipline.
Can you say, “recall?”
It’s a big win for Wal-Mart workers.
Who couldn’t have predicted this? When Romney pivoted to the center in the debate it pissed off the right-

An interesting TRS board meeting on October 24th.

Illinois Teacher Retirement System members who have been following the antics of TRS Executive Director Richard Ingram have been concerned since his interview with Crain’s last week.
Ingram, who was hired to manage the system, has been confused about his role and now sees himself as representing the financial interests of the Civic Committee instead of present and future teacher retirees.
In the interview with Crain’s, Ingram targets the cost of living adjustment to retirement payouts. His position is so clear that Crain’s headlines the interview, “Head of teacher pension fund says state will need to cut COLAs.”
In a statement published on the IEA web site Ingram denies that he said this and claims that Crain’s understood