Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thanks to The Philadelphia School Partnership « City School Stories

Thanks to The Philadelphia School Partnership « City School Stories:

Thanks to The Philadelphia School Partnership

Notes from the Field
Submitted by Frank Murphy: October 16, 2012
The Philadelphia School Partnership has gone live with a new website that ranks schools in the city of Philadelphia according to five categories:
• Academics (based on standardized test results in Reading and Math: PSSA {public and charter schools}Terra Nova {parochial schools})
• Safety (based on fewest number of self reported serious incidents)
• Student Attendance (self reported)
Achievement Gap (“an indicator of a school’s record in helping students of limited financial means learn”) It is not clear what this indicator means or how the gap is determined.
 College Bound (how many high school graduates enroll in 2 or 4- year college in the year after high school) It is not clear if this is also self-reported.
This site lists nearly all of the public, charter and parochial