Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Single White Female | EduShyster

Single White Female | EduShyster:

Single White Female

Many studies show that young white teachers are fresher and more innovative than their LIFO lifer peers of other races.
The achievement gap is the civil rights issue of our time—which is why it may be necessary for us to destroy a large part of the Black middle class in order to achieve our goal of closing said gap. No doubt you think I’m being all hyperbolick-y up in here but allow me to explain.
During the Chicago Teachers Union strike I encountered a stunning statistic. Since education reform arrived in Chicago, African Americans have dropped from 45% of the teaching force to just 19%. But how can that be? you must be wondering. Arne Duncan LUVS Black people. Alas reader, while the schools slated for closure, turnaround or charterization have had a significant percentage of African American teachers, the ones replacing