Saturday, October 13, 2012

Seminal Myths of Public School “Reform” | The G Bitch Spot

Seminal Myths of Public School “Reform” | The G Bitch Spot:

Seminal Myths of Public School “Reform”

Why education reform may be doomed. Salon, 10/13/12.
Some of my teachers were superb, some not so, but with backgrounds like ours, Klein and I would probably have succeeded no matter what shortcomings our schools might have had.
The major one, that neither race nor class nor disability “matter” if the teacher is “of high quality,” is anti-reality. Race matters. It only seems to “not matter” to those who ignore the privilege of whiteness, a privilege that may give you a step up or at least make a solid step to stand on, unlike others who because of a lack of white maleness have stairs that disappear into the floor like the bottom of an escalator.
A problem with, and convenience of, these myths is how poorly and dangerously they oversimplify system A or