Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Principal evaluation systems- do they help us grow? | Connected Principals

Principal evaluation systems- do they help us grow? | Connected Principals:

Principal evaluation systems- do they help us grow?

October 2, 2012

Originally posted on my blog, The Principal’s Posts
Educators are well aware that teacher evaluation systems are at the forefront of the discussions on school reform. A member of the general public who catches even a glimpse of educational headlines in the local news realizes this as well, although I would venture to say they don’t fully comprehend the scope of implementation and accountability of these systems. The general thinking behind the design and use of teacher evaluation systems is that if we create more effective teachers, better learning outcomes for students will result.
As an administrator, I have noticed that the topic of principal evaluation systems may be a secondary thought in “school reform” conversations. In fact, in many districts, the principals of under-performing schools are simply fired or reassigned to other roles or buildings. Many state systems