Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mitt Romney's 'I Love Teachers' Remark Spurs Fake Valentine From Union

Mitt Romney's 'I Love Teachers' Remark Spurs Fake Valentine From Union:

Mitt Romney's 'I Love Teachers' Remark Spurs Fake Valentine From Union

Just how much does Mitt Romney love teachers?

"I love teachers," he said repeatedly during a spirited exchange in Monday night's foreign policy debate that went off topic, to the annoyance of moderator Bob Schieffer, and delved into teacher hiring policies. But Romney also said he doesn't think the federal government should pay to hire teachers, even at a time when so many school systems have cut payrolls due to the recession.

Now, the National Education Association, the nation's largest teachers union, has created a "love letter" for Romney. The graphic, which the NEA is distributing widely to reporters and on its blog, is titled "My Funny Valentine" and features pictures of the former Massachusetts governor framed in hearts.

"Mitt Romney has a strange way of showing 'love,'" it says.