Sunday, October 7, 2012


Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Helping Kids or Helping Charters?

Wendy Lecker, advocate for public education in Connecticut, raises important questions.
Why was Hartford’s low-performing Milner School handed over to charter operator Jumoke Academy? Why did Hartford officials do nothing to help Milner until the charter school took over? Why did Jumoke get $2 million to fix Milner but no help was available to Milner before the takeover?
Lecker asks: is the responsibility of the state to help the kids or to help grow the charter sector?
Since State Commissiomer of Education Stefan Pryor comes from the charter sector, she suspects it is the latter.

Corporatization of Public Education?

An interesting article at speculates about the current drive to privatize American public education.
Inevitably, the author makes the US/Finland comparison. What is missing? He or she never mentions that Finland does not have any standardized testing. Not until students apply to college (which is tuition-free, by the way).
Teachers are respected not only because it is tough to become a teacher–the selection process is rigorous–but 

Washington State Should Vote NO on 1240

Brendan Williams, a parent in Washington State and former legislator, wrote an article to explain why initiative 1240 should be defeated.
Initiative 1240 would authorize charter schools in a state where voters have turned them down three times previously.
This initiative is generously funded by billionaires such as the Walton family, which donated $600,000. By 

Guess Who Is in Charge of Hiring in Dallas?

A teacher sent the following comment in a discussion about why teachers are demoralized. In Dallas, a 29-year-old TFA alum, with two years of teaching experience, has been put in charge of teacher recruitment:
A much better thing to publicize is the recent appointment of a TFA alumni to be the new Chief Talent Officer (HR manager I believe in OldSpeak) for DISD. This individual, responsible for reforming how Dallas ISD hires 

Should Students Rate Teachers?

Larry Ferlazzo reports on an interesting exchange about student ratings of teachers. Amanda Ripley, who is a cheerleader for corporate reform, loves the idea of trusting students to tell us which teachers are great and which stink.
Felix Salmon points out where she is wrong.
The Gates Foundation loves the idea of student surveys, of course, and several districts are already using the

Best Post of the Day!

Edushyster has done it again.
He or she has identified the schools in Massachusetts with the highest suspension rates. Almost all are charters.
This is not what you would normally think was a funny topic, but read it to the end and see what you think.
Frankly, no one is better at puncturing charter school myths and pomposity than Edushyster.

Write Your Letter Today to President Obama

Consider spending a few minutes this weekend writing a letter for the October 17 Campaign for Our Public Schools.
Tell the President how Race to the Top has affected your life as a parent, a teacher, a principal, a student, a school board ember or a concerned citizen.
Tell him how important the public schools are to your community and our democracy. Tell him what you know.
Share your ideas about how to improve the schools and the lives of children and families.
Here are the instructions to join the Campaign for Our Public Schools.

A Conversation about the Goal of Reformers

I wrote a post about the attacks on teachers, which got some interesting responses.
Reader A wrote:
This has absolutely nothing to do with teacher quality. This has everything to do with:
1. Destroying unions;
2. Destroying public education;
3. Hijacking tax funding for