Friday, October 19, 2012

Morning UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-19-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Another Superintendent Joins the Honor Roll

On my trip to the Midwest this past week, I met the superintendents of 86 districts in Michigan who belong to the Tri-County Alliance, which enrolls almost half the children in the state. Every one I spoke to (and I had a private dinner with a dozen leaders of the group) told me of the state’s efforts to destroy public education and to create a free market of schools, where schools compete for “customers” (students). One of the members is already on the Honor Roll as a hero of public education, but as I looked around the room, I saw many potential members, because every one of those superintendents is a fighter for public education.
A reader sent this article written by another superintendent in Michigan, Rod Rock.
For speaking out against the misuse of testing, Rod Rock joins the Honor Roll of heroes of public education.
Stop using the MEAP test
Rod Rock
October 18, 2012
Over a period of three weeks each October, tens of thousands of Michigan’s school-aged children sit in their 

Who Supports Tony Bennett in Indiana?

This blog lists the websites and bloggers in Indiana who oppose state superintendent Tony Bennett. That’s easy. It includes every parent group in the state and everyone concerned about the future of education.
Which leaves the important question: Who supports Bennett? Well, big corporations. Advocates of privatization. People who hate unions. Groups that want to strip teachers of their profession and turn them into at-will employees like the greeters at Costco. The fake group called “Stand for Children,” also known as Stand on Children. Wall Street hedge fund managers. Online corporations hoping to make lots of money by recruiting 

The Onion or Reality?

A friend who is an artist sent a link to a website that describes a new Pearson art history book that has no pictures! No pictures of the art it describes. Students are instructed to look for the images in another textbook.
The pictureless art history book costs $180.
You have to open the link and look at a page in the book.
Is it time to laugh or cry?
This is what the art students said about the art history book without pictures.

Leader of Great Hearts Charter Urges Parents to Oppose New Funds for Public Schools

Readers of this blog learned about the Great Hearts charter chain in Arizona as a result of its efforts to open a branch in Nashville. The Metro Nashville school board has rejected Great Hearts four times and was punished by TFA Commissioner of Education for refusing to approve this charter. Huffman has withheld $3.4 million from the district to retaliate for its unwillingness to open a charter in an affluent part of the city.
Back in Arizona, where Great Hearts is based, the “headmaster” of a Great Hearts school sent out a blast email 

The Most Important Voice in State Education Policy

The most important voice in state education policy today is the American Legislative Exchange Council, known as ALEC.
ALEC has 2,000 state legislators as members, and dozens of corporate sponsors, including the biggest names in business.
Here is an excellent summary of ALEC’s legislative priorities.
ALEC writes model legislation. Its members carry it home and introduce it as their own in their states.

A Hero of Public Education in Connecticut

Carmen L. Lopez is a hero of public education.
She has stood up against the most powerful people in her state to defend the public schools and the basic principles of democracy.
She served as a judge of the Connecticut Superior Court from 1996 until her retirement in 2008. At that time, she 

An Entire State Joins the Honor Roll

I received an email from Stephen Earley, an elementary school principal in Vermont. He reminds us that the state of Vermont decided not to request an NCLB waiver. It wasn’t because Vermont likes NCLB but because the state education commissioner realized that Arne Duncan’s mandates are no better than those in NCLB.
Because the state of Vermont rejected the waiver and showed independence and critical thinking, Vermont is the first state to join our honor roll.
The honor roll is the place we recognize individuals, school boards, PTAs, districts and now a state because 

Teachers' conference speaker: 'Teaching to the test' is ruining public education

St. Cloud Times - ‎36 minutes ago‎
ST PAUL - Education historian and author Diane Ravitchonce raved about school choice, private-school vouchers and performance pay for teachers.