Monday, October 8, 2012

Keeping Washington State charter free: Contact Mayor McGinn about Initiative 1240 | Seattle Education

Keeping Washington State charter free: Contact Mayor McGinn about Initiative 1240 | Seattle Education:

Keeping Washington State charter free: Contact Mayor McGinn about Initiative 1240

This just in.

Right now on the NO on 1240 Facebook page, there is a campaign for all Seattle residents to contact Mayor McGinn and ask him to stand up for our existing public schools and oppose Initiative 1240.
Here is the Facebook post:
Mayor McGinn is ducking this issue and hasn’t heard from anyone about it. Let’s get him on record and let him and ALL elected officials know they need to take a public stand. They should not stand silently by and let this happen to Seattle public schools when they have the power to make their voices heard.
Mayor Mike McGinn – call his office at 684-4000. Tweet him @mayormcginn or post on his Facebook page
If you are not able to do anything else, this would help greatly the campaign of to save our public schools and keep them public.
Post Script:
A list of recommended reading for those who need to catch up on the issue:
New Orleans schools: A nexus of poverty, high expulsion rates, hyper-security and novice teachers