Saturday, October 20, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: More On the Newark Contract

Jersey Jazzman: More On the Newark Contract:

More On the Newark Contract

Lou Caruso makes a very good point about the tentative Newark teachers contract:
This agreement exemplifies the power of philanthropic foundations which causes concerns of sustainability. The hope is that funds will continue to be available to payout incentive structures. The goodwill built into these new structures will erode if funding cannot be maintained. This agreement reflects though how philanthropic foundations have to power and ability to help provide incentives to produce less restrictive policies in bargaining agreements. Keep in mind, time will tell whether the agreements within this contract reflect an authentic commitment to providing incentives to attract quality teachers or reflect a coercive tactic to use short term funding to initiate structural changes. [emphasis mine]
That's the billion dollar question with the entire corporate "reform" movement, isn't it? When Gates or Broad or