Thursday, October 11, 2012

It’s Charlie’s website. « Fred Klonsky

It’s Charlie’s website. « Fred Klonsky:

It’s Charlie’s website.

A couple of years ago I complained to IEA Communications Director Charlie McBarron about the IEA’s website linking to a faux news item attacking the Michigan Education Association. The item was planted by the Mackinac Center, a right-wing anti-union website.
McBarron responded with a full-throated defense and counter-attack.
He defended the In the News feature although he sorta, kinda agreed that they probably, sorta, maybe made a mistake in publishing something attacking our union brothers and sisters in Michigan.
However, over the years McBarron has made it clear that it’s his website. Not the members. I stopped

IFT Prez Montgomery calls for Ingram’s resignation. IEA remains silent.

Dan Montgomery, President of the Illinois Federation of Teachers, has called for TRS Director Richard Ingram to resign.
“When the fox is guarding the hen house, it is the fox that must go,” said Montgomery in a statement posted today on the IFT website.
Illinois Education Association President Cinda Klickna, who also sits on the TRS board of Trustees, has remained silent on the issue of Ingram’s future.
Ingram has cancelled all public speaking engagements scheduled prior to the October 24th board of trustees

The in box. Mayor Emanuel. It has always been a revenue problem.

I am tired of listening to talk-show hosts and their distinguished guests that omit the most significant facts about public pension plans in Illinois. First, anyone who talks about budget deficits should begin with these statements: The public pension systems were not and are still not the blame for the State of Illinois’ budget deficits. As a matter of fact, the lack of revenue across the country today was caused by the theft of billions of dollars by speculators and bankers in the private sector; moreover, in Illinois, they were caused by state policymakers’ only consistent legacy: their irresponsibility and incompetence

Read the rest of Glen Brown’s blog post here.

Ten minute drawing. Rahm solves the pension problem the Chicago way.

Click on drawing to enlarge.