Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hechinger Report | Online education needs to hold itself to higher standards than traditional classrooms, report warns

Hechinger Report | Online education needs to hold itself to higher standards than traditional classrooms, report warns:

Online education needs to hold itself to higher standards than traditional classrooms, report warns

The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNacol) issued a report Tuesday calling for online schools and providers of online courses to hold themselves to a higher standard than traditional brick-and-mortar schools. The association also said it would launch a pilot project with three to five states to collect data that measures online-education quality.
“We need to start being honest about what’s not working and protect the field,” said Susan Patrick, president and CEO of iNacol at the organization’s annual virtual school symposium in New Orleans. “The current accountability framework is flawed.”
Patrick warned her members that critical media coverage of bad examples of online education could scare


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