Friday, October 12, 2012

Educational summit targeting homeless students to be held tomorrow | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Educational summit targeting homeless students to be held tomorrow | Philadelphia Public School Notebook:

Educational summit targeting homeless students to be held tomorrow

by thenotebook on Oct 10 2012 Posted in Latest news
By Charlotte Pope
Homeless Family

More than 5,000 students are reported homeless annually in Philadelphia, and in Pennsylvania, only 40 percent of kids experiencing homelessness graduate from high school, according to the People’s Emergency Center(PEC).
On Friday, PEC, the Children’s Work Group, and Temple University School of Social Work will look to address this problem by hosting Students Without a Home, a summit that will offer training on identifying and serving homeless students. The event will be held from 12:45 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Temple University in the Kiva Auditorium/Ritter Hall Annex.
The event is expected to attract those who work with at-risk youth through community and faith-based groups, afterschool programs, and child welfare agencies. Some of the goals of the summit are to help organizations better identify students who are experiencing homelessness and help them understand their