Saturday, October 27, 2012

Diane in the Evening 10-27-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

From One Pro Basketball Player to Another: LINK FIXED!

Kevin Johnson, who was a basketball star but is now the Mayor of Sacramento (and the husband of Michelle Rhee), recently visited Bridgeport, Connecticut, to urge its citizens to support a mayoral takeover of the public schools. He asked them to end the practice of electing their local school board. This is a big goal of privatizers, as it will remove an obstacle to closing more public schools and turning them over to charter operators.
John Bagley wrote an opinion piece answering Kevin Johnson. Bagley is not only a member of the elected board 

“Local Control Is a White People Thing”

Jersey Jazzman notes that several districts in New Jersey–all populated by black and Hispanic citizens–have been under state control for years.
The state has no intention of letting them have self-rule.
In many districts, especially where the population is non-white, privatizers insist on mayoral control or state control.
There is no evidence that taking away popular rule improves the schools.
It does make it easier, however, to privatize them

Attention Should Be Paid

A reader sent this comment about what happened recently in his district in Nevada:
Where I live in Pahrump, Nv, we have had 7 math and science teachers leave the high school this last week. They all planned to leave together as a protest. All of them had Ph.D degrees in math, and two of them had double doctorates in math and physics or biology. They left in protest of test driven evaluations now in place state wide here in Nevada, and they do not approve of the push to try to make all children go to college. As they stated in an open letter, They can only teach, advanced math takes a persistent concerted effort to learn. Many