Saturday, October 6, 2012

Daily Kos: WHO knew that carcinogens had their own lobby in Washington?

Daily Kos: WHO knew that carcinogens had their own lobby in Washington?:

WHO knew that carcinogens had their own lobby in Washington?

The title of this post is the 1st line of The Cancer Lobby, Sunday's New York Times column by Nicholas Kristof.
He uses the example of formaldehyde, describing our various encounters with it, and reminding us that it causes cancer. He then writes:
The chemical industry is working frantically to suppress that scientific consensus — because it fears “public confusion.” Big Chem apparently worries that you might be confused if you learned that formaldehyde caused cancer of the nose and throat, and perhaps leukemia as well.The industry’s strategy is to lobby Congress to cut off money for the Report on Carcinogens, a 500-page consensus document published every two years by the National Institutes of Health, 

Bus tour with teacherken: A day fighting the Greed Agenda in Ohio

I am continuing as an embedded blogger  on the "Stop the Greed Agenda Bus Tour" organized by Patriot Majority USA.   The National Education Association is paying me to post on their Education Votes website, and have now given me permission to crosspost the entire pieces I do here.  I do ask that you follow this link and visit their website, perhaps leaving a comment on the post over there as well.
Thursday was my first full day on the bus, and it was a full day.  Everywhere we went, out bus made clear the

New Obama ad: One Chance."