Wednesday, October 31, 2012

UPDATE: Daily Kos: Observation(s) about Q poll & Detroit News Poll & UPDATE on PPP

Daily Kos: Observation(s) about Q poll & Detroit News Poll & UPDATE on PPP

Signs of desperation from the Romney campaign

using an easily debunked ad on auto industry that brings out denials from auto execs
bringing back the previously debunked welfare work requirement ad
using John McCain as a surrogate in states that rejected him four years ago
having Donald Trump for robocalls into swing states
Yes - perhaps they hope to energize xenophobes and birthers and racists, but how does that win competitive states?
All they may be doing is increasing the President's margin.
You decide.

Observation(s) about Q poll & Detroit News Poll & UPDATE on PPP

Quinnipiac polling (for NY Times & CbS) was completed October 28th - Sunday.   That means it does NOT include any reaction by those surveyed to how Obama performed on Hurricane Sandy, or positive remarks about that handling by Chris Christie (and now also Bob McDonnell of VA).  The did not interview in Spanish - that might make a small difference in VA, more of a difference in FL, almost none in OH.
There would be NO response to the Romney ads and news coverage thereof of his dishonest ads on auto industry.
Poll for Detroit News went through Monday, which means it also does not include reactions to handling of Sandy.   Similarly, the blowup on Romney ads was yesterday, so that is not included, nor is there any reaction to statements by heads of Chrysler and GM, which one has to think would have some impact in Michigan.
As far as I know, they do not interview in Spanish, but that would have very little impact in Michigan.