Monday, October 8, 2012

Daily Kos: Does our presidential campaign lack a moral core?

Daily Kos: Does our presidential campaign lack a moral core?:

Does our presidential campaign lack a moral core?

That is the first sentence of a thought-provoking op-ed in today's Washington Post titled E.J. Dionne Jr.: The campaign’s moral hole.  Dionne is a Catholic and a liberal, which places him not on the side of the nationa's Catholic bishops. some of whom he note
often give the impression that they constitute the Republican Party at prayer
.  Instead he prefers
One of my favorite pressure groups, Nuns on the Bus, will be launching a five-day tour on Wednesday through the red, blue and purple parts of Ohio.
Let me follow that link for the Nuns, where the first text on the web page is about the tour, and says