Friday, October 5, 2012

Daily Kos: Bus tour with teacherken: Going after the “Greed Agenda”

Daily Kos: Bus tour with teacherken: Going after the “Greed Agenda”:

Bus tour with teacherken: Going after the “Greed Agenda”

I am currently in Columbus OH, where I am participating in Patriot Majority's Bus trip to Stop the Greed Agenda against the Koch Brothers.  I was hired to do this by the National Education Association, and will be posting at least once a day at their Education Votes website.  I will crosspost PART of those posts here, as I am doing this morning, and provide a link back to their site, since they are paying for my blogging.  I hope you will follow the link and also explore what else is on their website.  My first post was written last night as an introduction to what I am doing.
By now most Americans paying attention have begun to realize the influence some billionaires are wielding upon the politics and governance of our nation.  Perhaps most infamous among those billionaires are the Brothers Koch, Charles and David, who by themselves have funded much of the infrastructure of the political right in this nation, including these organizations very visible and unfortunately influential in recent years:  Americans for Prosperity (AFP), American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and FreedomWorks.
Please keep reading below the fold