Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another Illinois teacher strike. Get use to it. « Fred Klonsky

Another Illinois teacher strike. Get use to it. « Fred Klonsky:

Another Illinois teacher strike. Get use to it.

Four hundred teachers, members of the North Shore Education Association, are walking picket lines this morning outside of schools in Highland Park, Highwood and Fort Sheridan. Over 4,000 students will not be in classrooms. The issue is fair compensation.

NSEA President Pamela Kramer expressed dismay that the School Board did not make an offer that would be ratified by her membership.

“The (union) began the bargaining session in an optimistic frame of mind,” said Kramer.

“The current offer by the board would cause North Shore School District 112 to fall behind 18 other Lake County districts.

As in most local district negotiations, both sides measure their offers and counter-offers in the context of a list of

The in box. “A CEO walking to his car was accosted by a robber…”

From Ken Previti.
A CEO walking to his car was accosted by a robber holding a gun who was nervously looking around for fear of being arrested.
“Give me your money!” shrieked the robber.
The CEO placed his wallet on the ground in front of him. He then proceeded to pile up his watch, cell phone and jewelry. He removed his expensive shoes and coat. He stripped himself naked, socks and all. He then reached into his mouth and removed a dental bridge which he added to the pile.
The robber stared in wonder, grabbed the whole pile and ran away.
The police arrived quickly since someone down the street had noticed the naked man and phoned in a report.
The police officer walked up to the man and said, “Are you the CEO who was just robbed?”
“Yes, I am. But, I’m stark naked. How did you know I am a CEO?” he replied.
The cop answered, “Because most people realize there is a sane limit to what to steal.”

Ten minute drawing. Smart cookie.

Click on drawing to enlarge.

Ten minute drawing. Debate.

Click on drawing to enlarge.