Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Won't Back Down": Round-Up Of Reviews Find It Boring, Propaganda-Filled | K-12 News Network

"Won't Back Down": Round-Up Of Reviews Find It Boring, Propaganda-Filled | K-12 News Network:

Won’t Back Down”: Round-Up Of Reviews Find It Boring, Propaganda-Filled

What’s supposed to be a charming, compelling movie that tugs at heart-strings and delivers the message that teacher’s unions are bad is instead dull, heavy-handed, and uninvolving, according to critics. In this movie, parents and teachers unite, and voila! The result is always and only a charter school.
“Won’t Back Down” isn’t passing the low bar of being at least mildly entertaining, nor is it an effective propaganda piece for the “parent tricker” law that started in California. The law allows disgruntled parents to use a majority vote to hand over an “underachieving” public school to private charter school operators (never an in-district, fully public option). Once transferred out of the public trust, the school never returns to public administration despite being subsidized by taxpayers. The “trigger” law has spread to several othe