Saturday, September 22, 2012

Three fears about blended learning - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Three fears about blended learning - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Three fears about blended learning

The tech revolution has led many to see a future where students get their education through a blend of traditional learning in classrooms and instruction through computer or other tech device.. Here, John Merrow, veteran education reporter for PBS, NPR, and dozens of national publications, writes about this key concerns about blended learning. Merrow is president of Learning Matters, a non-profit media production company, and his latest book is The Influence of Teachers . This post was published on his blog, Taking Note.
By John Merrow
At a recent meeting of The Philanthropy Roundtable, a few hundred people were wrapping their heads around “Blended Learning,” the latest and most promising next new thing in education. Most in the audience were funders focused on education, and, judging from their body language and comments, most were sold on the idea.
Quickly, blended learning is some mix of traditional classroom