Sunday, September 2, 2012

UPDATE: The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky

The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky:

The Sunday Mail.


John Dillon’s Pension Vocabulary: “Who’s on first?” The Springfield art of finger-pointing and double talk.
My old Atlanta buddy Jim Skillman wrote an op-ed piece for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. They wouldn’t print it. He wrote that all freedom loving

Washington Post editorial: Illinois Dems are a problem for the national party on the eve of the DNC.

The Washington Post editorial today: The Democrats Pension Dilemma.

For the party of activist government, the competing interests of their public-sector union backers and their other constituents spell trouble, in both political and policy terms. It’s a conflict that Democrats may be uniquely well positioned to resolve, given their close ties to unions — or uniquely incapable of resolving, for the same reason. As the experience of California and Illinois shows, it’s an 

Ryan and Scott Walker’s Janesville GM blooper revisited.

Back in January I posted a story of Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Blooper.
Who knew the story would blow up again at last week’s Republican National Convention?
In January Walker put up a giant billboard right in front of the shuttered Janesville General Motors plant. The billboard claimed that Walker Creates Jobs for Wisconsin. A claim not exactly supported by the Wisconsin employment data.  It was such a stupid and embarrassing thing to do that the Walker campaign quickly had the

Ten minute drawing. Romney borrows slogan from the Ku Klux Klan.