Monday, September 3, 2012

The in box. From Tom Olson, former SFC member, on Jonah at the ASCD. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. From Tom Olson, former SFC member, on Jonah at the ASCD. « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. From Tom Olson, former SFC member, on Jonah at the ASCD.

As a former high school and college political science teacher, I also agree with protecting the right of free speech. I, as you can see from the open letter to Edelman (below) have also seen him “up close and personal.” Given his adoption of the anti-teacher corporate agenda for education reform (read “deform”), I found it amazing that ASCD would pay this character money to spew his bile about “education’s failures” and his central theory of action being teacher-bashing. I’ve terminated my 30 year membership in ASCD. That’s my right. Maybe Edelman’s next gig will be at an ALEC